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C2#2 Safe, loved, and secure

My aunt registered me for kindergarten in the fall of 1979. I attended a local French Catholic school until the end of first grade. I remember it was my first Hallowe’en and my aunt made my costume out of a fiber potato sack and I went as Pocahontas. I loved my costume because Pocahontas was the prettiest of the princesses – and the only one I knew who was First Nations.  I grew up knowing part of my identity is that I am Métis.

While Bruno worked at the mine, Anna worked 3 nights a week, to my recollection, at the local Bingo hall.  Anna is a great homemaker; she can sew, knit, crochet, bake, and cook amazing family meals. My all time favourites are her tomato rice soup with a slice of white cake topped with 7 minute frosting – or her no bake blueberry cheesecake. 

Jack is 14 months older than Anna and you can tell, he thinks he is better than she is. Living with my aunt and uncle allowed me to get to know my extended family. It was truthfully, amazing to see all these people coming and going from my aunt’s house all day.  Anna often styled hair on the side; haircuts, perms, and colour done right in the middle of the kitchen, other times she pierced ears. I was always a climber as a kid, and Anna would watch me climb all over the cupboards and cabinets to reach my favourite perch – on top of the fridge to watch all the action.

My uncle and I spent a lot of time together. He always had a smile for me, a gentle touch, or a hug and kiss. I followed him around everywhere I went. Bruno was Jack’s best friend, father to my four cousins, and my godfather. He and Jack were also yearly moose hunting buddies and would fish together whenever they had the opportunity. Bruno liked puttering around his 3-car garage with his tools, working on cars or his motorcycle. I even had the privilege of holding the flashlight a few times for him. I loved him. Bruno’s garage was also the spot where wild game was hung to be skinned and prepared for the freezer – moose, bear, rabbit, whatever they caught with fur was then given to my grandpa’s twin brother to be mounted, if he chose to, and gifted or to be displayed in a loved one’s home. Philippe, my grandfather’s twin was a gifted taxidermist and his home was a shrine to his craft.

In the absence of my father for the near two years I lived in The North, Bruno became my substitute male role model. He installed a swing set in the backyard and had to cement it in place because I excelled at swinging so high that I could flip myself around the bar and tip the entire swing set over. I spent an incredible amount of time watching for blue jays in my aunt’s pine trees in the backyard while swinging high and carefree. Bruno taught me to ride a two-wheel bike. 

Gary and Irene (see Chasing Butterflies) sent us so many gifts after my sister and I moved up North. One of those gifts was a brand new bicycle, along with a ridiculous amount of clothing bought from Sears. At Christmas, Easter, birthdays (didn’t matter who’s birthday), several boxes with hundreds of dollars worth of clothes and toys were individually wrapped for both of us to open. As a kid, this was an absolute highlight of my life! Gary and Irene even had their own private names for my sister and I - my name was Kate and my sister Charlie. Gary and Irene absolutely spoiled us by showering us with love and generosity from afar – they shipped all these boxes using BPX - Bus Parcel Express Shipping. They missed us terribly and we missed them and what they represented – the life I would never have again.

As the weeks progressed to months, Bruno increasingly encouraged me to hangout with him; we shared sandwiches, sat side by side sharing the same drink. Just like my dad, I followed him everywhere. In the evenings when the girls were out with their friends, Aunt Anna at Bingo, Uncle Bruno would always come get me to watch TV with him. He was a huge hockey fan and cheered for the Habs. He would lay on his side across the back of the sofa and nestle me tightly in front of him, cuddling me, stroking me, playing with my hair, running his hands all over my skin - over and under my pajamas.

Bruno never bothered hiding himself from me. He invited me to sit on the basement sofa while watching him shower, his nakedness on full display. He encouraged me to ask questions about his body and notice differences. Mostly I noticed his skin looked green under the light. As time went on, I would sit on the toilet seat in the bathroom watching him shower, rubbing his body with soap, paying particular attention to his penis, stroking it looking me straight in the eye, making sure I was watching; drying off, then applying shaving cream to his face and shaving in the mirror in his birthday suit.

By late winter, I was comfortable with him always naked in front of me and having to watch him masturbate, sometimes making me touch him and guiding my hands with his. I was not aware of any other sensations in my own body. One day in early spring after our shower routine, he sat me in his lap on the sofa. He gently stroked my long blonde hair and my inner thigh. When he placed his fingers inside my underwear and did not feel the response he had hoped for, he got up and got dressed.

One sunny afternoon while playing outside, Uncle Bruno asked if I wanted to go for a ride on his motorcycle – of course I did! I ran over and jumped right on. In the 1980s, I did not need a helmet to sit in front of a man on his motorcycle. Bruno tucked me right up against him and slid me forward, angled slightly towards the front of the bike. He checked my crotch to make sure I was in the position he wanted me to be. As he revved the engine, he would ask me if I could feel anything, or if the vibrations between my legs felt good. Once I was able to feel the ‘tingling’ from the vibrations, I understood he meant that this sensation is what felt good. It did. I felt warm and I was aware of my skin and I was aware of something happening in my panties, but I didn't have to pee, it was more like I was clenching muscles that I didn't realize I even had!

Once Bruno was certain that I knew which tingle felt good and where the sensation came from, he started sitting next to me, more closely than normal, to watch TV with the family. His hand would always wander to my thighs, inner thighs, grazing my crotch, hugging my ass, rubbing my back in a very slow, gentle way with the intention of bringing awareness to my clitoris and sometimes whispering in my ear, asking if my panties felt wet. If I had to visit the bathroom, I always thought I had peed myself, but my panties were never yellow. I really did not understand anything at all, but I did understand that Bruno liked to make me feel special, loved, and secure. He made me feel happy, warm, special, important and loved.

If this made you feel uncomfortable, I strongly recommend you skip the next post: Alone

Read from the beginning
Prologue : Family

Recently I discovered some truths:
Reality Bites - The Truth Reveals Itself 


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