My timeline is a bit screwy after I told because my memories are all jumbled together and it is difficult for me to recall exactly when certain events took place around my child rape. So, bear with me as I recount what happened AFTER I told another adult years after I first told my father. Read about that in my post titled “C3#4 Should I tell him ?” I was in grade 7 (October 1986) when I told Big M about my abuse and father was yanked out of the bush to ‘deal’ with a past situation. When I tell you that he acted worried but unconcerned, I mean it. He also denied my ever having told him I had been abused back in 1981. In grade 7, I was 12 going on 13 years old and very timid. I did not have my own voice because I had been verbally and psychologically beaten into submission over several years of being told I was unimportant; that children should be seen and not heard; that I was a whore, I had no opinion, or none that anyone wanted to hear; and essentially just not good enough. For anyt...
"Don't Shame the Family" is the story of how I came to have and live with PTSD. I promise to be as honest and transparent as I can with my own feelings and actions regardless of how humiliated I may feel. If my blog helps one person break the cycle of abuse and realize they're not alone, I will have succeeded.