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Showing posts from June, 2022

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!

  I remember dad reminding me, whenever I missed maman, that she wanted to abort me. I have heard this story often since I was about 10 years old. He “ received a call, Monique was frantic, she was bleeding, and she was rushing to her doctor’s office!” Jack says he rushed out of his meeting and raced to the doctor’s office “ just in time to see the doctor taking the vacuum down from the wall and about to abort you .” I remember being really curious and asking what the vacuum looked like and he replied, “ Like a long hose with a suction on the end, like the vacuum we have at home. ” In those moments, when he told me this ‘story’ I don’t remember believing him or not believing him, I remember wishing it had just happened, regardless of the reason. This story never really affected me and I filed it. It was only when I was older and one of my best friends would be having this procedure done that my dad’s bullshit story reared its ugly head. I knew he was a liar, but this really hit below

C4#10 Exams - Tutoring Help

  In high school, I was either really good at a subject or I was not. At the time, I was unaware that I had ADHD. Despite the fact that I remember my father telling me when I was younger that a doctor had told him I was very hyperactive, he dismissed the doctor’s concern and made sure I didn’t eat too much sugar, red food dye, and dark coloured pop. I don’t feel any of these made a difference in my behaviour at all. What I have learned is that if I enjoy something I will hyper-focus on that topic until I know it inside and out. Chemistry and Biology were always my best subjects and I achieved a 98% and 99% grade average in both classes throughout my high school career (grade 11 and grade 13). The classes that required math I was far less gifted and I typically struggled if it involved Calculus. I enjoyed Physics in grade 11 I remember achieving an 89% grade point average but in grade 13, I hadn’t get taken Calculus so that Physics grade was only 79%. Math… I hated math with a passi

C4#9 Debauchery

So, remember how I said and feel I have demonstrated that I was über responsible my entire life? Yeah, so as soon as I was allowed out of the house to hang out with my friends and given a midnight curfew, I went absolutely crazy. I made more new friends, these were my ‘party friends.’ Some liked to go to the bar dancing, some liked to just hang out at home in their basement. I befriended as many people as I possibly could so I would always be out on Friday and Saturday night, but I was also trying to find my ‘person’, I needed a best friend. One thing all the adults had taught me in life is that drinking and getting drunk is fun and what you do to unwind. For years, Jack would nip a few sips here and there from his closet bar; when Big M felt his drinking was excessive they would have yelling matches then Big M would order us to start monitoring the booze levels. I used to do this by using one of those white sewing pencils, to this day, I doubt Jack knew we even did this. He drank A LO

It’s been far more than just a “tough road” for me: Part Two

Each chapter that is being updated, is linked back to my original post's page so you can re-read the posts before or after you read the truths.   Truths, Lies, and Guesses - Prologue:Family My father owned four apartment buildings by the time has was 21 years old. No mortgages. In addition, he owned his house in The South. Jack didn’t work enough to accomplish that. The family has had many years to ask questions. The Guess is that Jack was a fixer, the KGB needs all types of unsavoury people and it would be an easy way for him to fit in. He is an excellent sharpshooter. He was a bodyguard/enforcer/bouncer and 'fixing' people's problems would not be far off his personality. Even Monique believes this to be most likely true and even if it is not, she knows he is capable; and I admit that it is the theory that makes the most sense. Remember, to this day, Jack's own family were never told what he truly did for a living. They believed he was a translator who would moo

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