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Showing posts with the label abortion

Chapter 5 #3: Survival

My first 2 years of University were plagued with bladder infection after bladder infection and the odd kidney infection. I had a great new female doctor who prescribed an inexpensive antibiotic. I’m going to take a guess and say I needed to drink more water and less beer. Neall and I partied HARD every single night we could easily drink a case of 24 beer, or a couple bottles of wine, or a bottle of Wiser’s . My parents were not in contact with me but I did try to keep the lines of communication open because I just assumed they were irritated with life and that it wasn’t really about me. In early March 1994 the Superintendent of the building gave me a document about my apartment. I wasn’t quite sure what it meant, I thought I had to move. The terminology used in the document wasn’t something I was familiar with and at this point, my parents weren’t exactly speaking to me and I still wasn’t sure why. In any case, I was confused about the terms of the Lease Renewal so instead of accep

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!

  I remember dad reminding me, whenever I missed maman, that she wanted to abort me. I have heard this story often since I was about 10 years old. He “ received a call, Monique was frantic, she was bleeding, and she was rushing to her doctor’s office!” Jack says he rushed out of his meeting and raced to the doctor’s office “ just in time to see the doctor taking the vacuum down from the wall and about to abort you .” I remember being really curious and asking what the vacuum looked like and he replied, “ Like a long hose with a suction on the end, like the vacuum we have at home. ” In those moments, when he told me this ‘story’ I don’t remember believing him or not believing him, I remember wishing it had just happened, regardless of the reason. This story never really affected me and I filed it. It was only when I was older and one of my best friends would be having this procedure done that my dad’s bullshit story reared its ugly head. I knew he was a liar, but this really hit below

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