My first 2 years of University were plagued with bladder infection after bladder infection and the odd kidney infection. I had a great new female doctor who prescribed an inexpensive antibiotic. I’m going to take a guess and say I needed to drink more water and less beer. Neall and I partied HARD every single night we could easily drink a case of 24 beer, or a couple bottles of wine, or a bottle of Wiser’s . My parents were not in contact with me but I did try to keep the lines of communication open because I just assumed they were irritated with life and that it wasn’t really about me. In early March 1994 the Superintendent of the building gave me a document about my apartment. I wasn’t quite sure what it meant, I thought I had to move. The terminology used in the document wasn’t something I was familiar with and at this point, my parents weren’t exactly speaking to me and I still wasn’t sure why. In any case, I was confused about the terms of the Lease Renewal so instead of accep...
"Don't Shame the Family" is the story of how I came to have and live with PTSD. I promise to be as honest and transparent as I can with my own feelings and actions regardless of how humiliated I may feel. If my blog helps one person break the cycle of abuse and realize they're not alone, I will have succeeded.